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Basics From Beginning (1)

1) Computation

Computation is any type of calculation or use of computing technology in information processing.

2) Computing Technology

From the initial days of number-crunching by languages of FORTRAN, to the procedural methodology of Pascal or C, and later, the object-oriented paradigm of C++ and Java, we have come a long way. In this age of information overload, technologies that can just solve problems through steps and procedures are no longer adequate.

                       *****For future  computing Technologies******

a)Predictive analytics 

      Predictive analytics uses statistical methods to mine intelligence, information and patterns in structured, unstructured and streams of data. Predictive analytics will be applied across many domains, including banking, insurance, retail, telecom and energy.

There are also applications for energy grids and water management, besides those that determine user sentiment by mining data from social networks.

b)Cognitive computing 

First of all, what is cog­ni­tion? Cog­ni­tion has to do with how a per­son under­stands and acts in the world. It is a set of abil­i­ties, skills or processes that are part of nearly every human action.
Cog­ni­tive abil­i­ties are brain-based skills we need to carry out any task from the sim­plest to the most com­plex. They have more to do with the mech­a­nisms of how we learn, remem­ber, problem-solve, and pay atten­tion rather than with any actual knowl­edge. For instance, answer­ing the tele­phone involves at least: per­cep­tion (hear­ing the ring tone), deci­sion tak­ing (answer­ing or not), motor skill (lift­ing the receiver), lan­guage skills (talk­ing and under­stand­ing lan­guage), social skills (inter­pret­ing tone of voice and inter­act­ing prop­erly with another human being).

Men­tal func­tions or cog­ni­tive abil­i­ties are based on spe­cific neu­ronal net­works or brain struc­tures. For instance mem­ory skills rely mainly on parts of the tem­po­ral lobes and parts of the frontal lobes (behind the forehead).
The most famous technological product in the domain of cognitive computing is IBM’s supercomputer, Watson, an artificial intelligence computer system capable of answering questions posed in natural language.
Another well-known example of cognitive computing is Siri, the voice recognition app on the iPhone. The earlier avatar of cognitive computing was expert systems based on artificial intelligence. These expert systems were inference engines that were based on knowledge rules.

c) Autonomic computing

This is another computing trend that is set to become prevalent in the networks of tomorrow. Autonomic computing refers to the self-managing characteristics of a network. Typically, it signifies the ability of a network to self-heal in the event of failures or faults.

Autonomic network can quickly localise and isolate faults in the network while keeping other parts of the network unaffected. Besides, these networks can quickly correct and ‘heal’ the faulty hardware without human intervention. Autonomic networks are typical in smart grids where a fault can be quickly isolated and the network healed without resulting in a major outage in the electrical grid.
 . Net Integration Technologies advertises its Nitix product as "the world's first autonomic server operating system." ccording to IBM, there are eight crucial elements in an autonomic computing system: it must maintain comprehensive and specific knowledge about all its components; it must have the ability to self-configure to suit varying and possibly unpredictable conditions; it must constantly monitor itself for optimal functioning; it must be self-healing and able to find alternate ways to function when it encounters problems; it must be able to detect threats and protect itself from them; it must be able to adapt to environmental conditions; it must be based on open standards rather than proprietary technologies; and it must anticipate demand while remaining transparent to the user.


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